Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 7 Assignment 2 done

Read the following two articles.  Following are my comments and thoughts
I read YA Comes of Age by Sue Corbett.  This was published in September, 2011. 

Publishers noted that the popularity of YA adults is on the rise.  This is not surprising, since there has been a surge in some very popular Teen fiction in the last 5-8 years.  These teens are getting into their adult years and are still yearning for something to read.  Also, there is a segment of the teen population that can afford to purchase new books so it is not surprising to see this trend. 

This article was written in 2011, when it was said that the publishers had paranormal fatigue, but the fatigue seems to have had a shot of B12 because it is being published.   Dystopia is the more recent genre of interest.

I agree that authors, like Patterson and Steel have been very sly to write YA books in order to grab them before they become adults. No sophisticated marketing there!    We, as librarians, can be abreast of the well written books in the popular genres so that we can recommend the not so famous authors who have spent a great deal of time writing an engaging story.  

The Hub

Why are adults now reading YA literature Rummel asks?    It appears that the surge of blogs have helped to create the interest in YA literature.  If one looks at those who are blogging I suspect it is the 20 and 30  year olds. The use of read-a-likes has helped the publishing industry boost interest in authors and titles similar to the popular books such as Game of Thrones, Vampire Academy and, Gossip Girl ect to get them hooked on other similar books.  As Rummel noted, the publishers are using savvy marketing techniques to hook these readers.  There is a large segment of the population that must read what is popular whether it is well written or not i.e Fifty Shades of Gray. 
Rummel shared what genres are popular, dystopia, fantasy and scinece fiction. 

1 comment:

  1. The "YA comes of Age" article is one I read as well. The crossover appeal for adults trending to read the teen books is something that the publishers are finding to be a plus in an industry where book BUYING is a challenge.
