Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 7 Assignment 3 DONE

I instantly liked Stacked, it is organized and she writes in complete sentences!  I can see I am going to look forward to following this blog.  She also uses appeal factors when recommending books.   I'm reading her commentary on blogging, which I found to be very enlightening.  What is the purpose of blogging reviews, how do the publisher's take advantage of blogging reviews and who should be blogging so that the reader identifies a non-biased review.

Stack appeals to Young Adult readers and includes reviews and comments on material including audio materials, graphic novels, digital and video material.   It is one of the more active and current blogging sites for Young Adults I have seen so far.

They promote new authors and new titles to be reviewed on their site.  They have guidelines for submitting material to be reviewed.  Each reviewer specifies on the site their preference for the genre they prefer to read and review.

I would recommend this site for a young adult reader who would like to explore new titles.

Forever Young Adult

This is for the Young Adult who is wanting to move into adult books.  The layout would very much appeal to this age group.  The photos of older YAs and some older than YA folks drinking alcohol and being cool would be very inviting to the older YA.  The site is an eye catcher, the blogs are current.  I think this is more oriented to females, but it would also appeal to some males as well.

The site states  "FYA is a place where you can let your inner Lady Nerd loose and swoon over fictional characters without shame (while sipping on a cocktail). From book reviews to TV crushes to movie drinking games, it's basically a non-stop internet slumber party, and you're totally invited!"

Ta Da, they have a list of FYA book clubs by city.  It looks like Baltimore's Ivy Bookshop is looking to start a FYA bookclub-TBA.

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