Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 3 Assignment 2  DONE

Interview on NPR with Nancy Pearl giving a book talk on three books.

These are some of Nancy's favorite books so she describes them with such enthusiasm that you can't wait to read them!   Nancy emphasizes how much she loves well styled writing the books she noted, especially in Billy Lynn's Long Half-Time Walk. 

Lost: A Novel  by Michael Robotham

This has an appealing but flawed hero, who is solving a crime in the past (her preferred type of mystery).  The writing is nice with a complex plot.

Billy Lynn's Long Half-Time Walk by Benjamin Fountain\

In her description she referred to the following appeal factors:  irony, sorrow and anger.   Cognitive dissonance is the theme in this story that unfolds in one day. 

Treasure Island  by Sara Levine

She loved this book!  This was outrageous and delightful.  The appealing factor for Nancy was the complexity of the characters.  She was drawn into the story and into the characters such that she wanted to be able to provide her own advice to the characters. 

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