Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 8 Assignment 1 DONE

 I read both articles, Borderlands and Readers' Advisor News.

Reader's Advisory News made some very good points.

It is indeed true that the storyline of a non-fiction book appealing to a fiction reader. Without a storyline, the book can be too dry and boring.  The idea that there are subgenres in non-fiction, similar to  fiction is something to keep in mind when doing RA.   As noted, crime non-fiction can vary, so that RA  conversation with the customer will help to select the most appropriate titles for your customer.  Biography can also be tricky, so be sure to know what appeals the customer prefers.

Although we merchanside non-fiction, we tend to do so independent of fiction.   As recommended by Sharon Baker, we need to mix fiction and non-fiction was displaying material. 

Using Polaris read-a-likes and websites like EarlyWord and the Williamsburg Regional Library's list of narrative non-fiction can be very helpful.  I have been using these regularly, since I find it enjoyable to put a good non-fiction book into a customer's hand.

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