Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Finale Week 9 Assignment 3

Be More Bookish has been worth the time.   I would say that the articles on Reader's Advisory, especially during week 8 and 3 were most useful.

Neal Wyatt, very clearly and precisely describes RA.  

Exploring various links has such as Daily Beast was enlightening, because it made me realize how much I appreciate how comprehensive my favorite sites, Early Word and Goodreads, are and why I continue to use them and to recommend them to our customers.  I think that each of us chooses the sites that work best for us.  Some prefer the organized sites, others prefer media oriented, visual sites and others prefer the more rambling sites.  Having the opportunity to explore a variety of resources gives us a smorgasbord to select our favorites.

These exercises continue to force me to explore those genres I don't particulary enjoy, such as science fiction and urban fiction.

I believe week 6, that is why I didn't complete the assignment at the time, was the most frustrating.  It truly is difficult to find a fan blog that is kept current and active.  You really do need to find a blog run by an author or an organized fan who can maintain the site and keep it current.  I dreaded doing this at the time and dreaded doing it the second time around.  

As I noted in one of my blogs, I believe that the Neal Wyatt article should be incorporated into the Librarian's Checklist as a way to become familiar with RA.    It could also be used as a guideline to create a mini RA course in the future.

Thanks for all your hard work putting this together.  Unfortunately, it happened during the busiest time of the year, and the busiest summer we have ever had!

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