Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 6 Assignment 1 DONE

Mystery Readers International

OK, any site that has a table of contents of their articles gets a thumbs up from me!  On the downside, they request that you pay to view most of their content.   I ventured off to the Janet Rudolph's blog, which is nicely organized, well written and allows you to follow archived blogs.    

I opted out to register for their email notification of new and upcoming mysteries.  It is just too overwhelming to be getting emails from multiple sources.  

To be honest,  I would not follow this site because I find it too limiting.  However, I appreciated the link to the Macavity Award.  These awards are given by the Mystery Readers International.   Low and behold, they have an award to mystery non-fiction which is appropriate for when we are looking for a non-fiction book for a fiction reader. 

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