Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 6 Assignment 3 DONE


During week 6 I searched for blogs and was very unsuccessful in finding a subgenre blog that was active and worth recognition.

After searching again, I am still finding it difficult to find an active and current fan Website.  Authors and individuals have created blog, but I don't think of these as "fan" blogs.

Urban Fiction   Erotica: provides reviews on a variety of subgenre urban fiction. Provides interviews and links for librarians.   Lacking in fan blogs.

Author, Tamika Newhouse, erotica, relationships, quick pace

Mystery:  Cozy mysteries, including food mysteries.

Cleo Coyle, writes a light,character driven, faced paced and with some  humor.,  I feel like I'm cheating using GoodReads, but it works!

Mystery:   horror, thriller

Stephen King, the Shining,    this is a fast paced, chilling horror story with a mystery to be solved.

Two books that are in a subgenre:

Author:  Patricia Knight   - She writes science fiction, romance with some erotic romance but with strong female characters.  This getting to a sub, subgenre is getting a bit difficult but I'll give it a try. I was thinking that the Science Fiction genre of this book provides a stronger female element that you don't see in erotica fiction. 

Author: Skirmish on a Summer by Billy Gregg
This Western includes a romance, but strong female character that saves him by providing a futuristic weapon.

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