Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 9 Assignment 1 DONE

I read the two articles and video on book trailers.  I looked for some book trailers on YouTube.

So how many authors are outgoing and love acting?   I would imagine not very many, so why put authors on a video where they feel uncomfortable speaking about their book.

Unless the book is already out and people are interested in the author, most readers are not going to be interested in hearing an author selling their books.  A one-on-one question and answer session with the author is more comfortable and appealing to readers.  Non-fiction books tend to lend themselves more to an author interview.  I could see people wanting to watch the video of a Q & A session, but not a book trailer.

One article gave an example in one of the articles that readers were interested in seeing that Jeannette Walls, author of the Glass Castle, was successful after reading  her story of her difficult childhood, but this was after readers had read the book.   Again, this is a non-fiction book which lends itself well to readers wanted to meet the author.

The Packing for Mars trailer was a good example of the trailor not giving you a feel of the appeal factors of the book.  You get the sense of Mary Roach's sense of humor, but that is all.   I would much rather scan a more detailed summary and review of a book.  A summary and review is much more helpful that a video clip.

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